Our Ministries

Music Ministry
Music is an important part of who we are here a First Baptist church. We have a group called "the Singers" whose main goal is to sing and have fun! We would love to have a full Senior choir once again but until then we will continue to sing to the Lord a glad song of Praise with however many voices we have!
Cooking Club
What are the meals you used to make for your family, but don’t anymore because it’s just too much trouble for one or two people? That’s the question we started with when we started the Cooking Club. We then proceeded to make those meals together! We met at the church around 9 am and there you would have seen people sitting around a table, talking while they peel potatoes, carrots, whatever we are making that day. Others were in the kitchen itself putting the rest of the meal together. Before you knew it the meal was done and then we sat down to eat. We loved having people join us for the meal. After we ate we put together meals to go and deliver them. For those in the church family who don’t get out much it was a time to connect with them.
Finally, we would encourage people who had worked all day to drop by and pick up meals to take home to make their day a little easier. We did not charge for the meals because we had been fortunate enough to have an anonymous benefactor who had donated money to pay for everything. Meals so far included corned beef and cabbage, beef tips in gravy over mashed potato, chicken cordon bleu, pot roast and meatloaf to name a few. We met on fourth Tuesdays.
All this is still a great idea, so we have revived it!
Cooking Club - October 25th, 2022 and November 29 (long story!)
After a couple of years off due to the pandemic we've started up the Cooking Club again. Last month we made meatloaf with mashed potatoes and today we made chicken cordon bleu with rice pilaf, green beans and rolls. Anna's daughter JoAnna, Cheryl and Mabelle made brownies which we covered with ice cream, chocolate and caramel sauce and called that dessert. Yum.
As always we are grateful to our benefactor for this meal - George McLeod.
Meals were taken home and to folks in the congregation who couldn't make it in.
We all enjoyed cooking and eating together.
We made our last communal meal on Tuesday, January 24th at 9 am. Cooking Club is again suspended now, however.
— Karen

Our church was very active in mission work, and many mission trips have been made to the Dominican Republic. We also recently sent a team to Tanzania as part of a mission with Kupenda for the Children. Locally, many members of First Baptist take part in the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, and more. In fact, it was a group from First Baptist Church that initiated the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Bangor.